Marketing Digital Bronce
One place to stay social
Creamos redes para que nuestro público sea seducido con un contenido de calidad, generamos experiencia para fidelizar a sus clientes y su marca se eleve a otro nivel.
- Elaboración de estrategia
- (Copy-writing) en español
- Calendario de contenido mensual
- 16 publicaciones en feed x dos medios digitales
- 6 plantillas para stories
- Imágenes de stock
- Diseño gráfico de publicaciones
- No incluye gestión de redes sociales
- No incluye campañas de anuncios
How can social media help me generate leads?
It's easy! By setting up a list of searches, you can find customers in your area and start an immediate conversation. Here are 3 easy steps. First, find words and phrases that relate to your products or services. If you’re a locksmith, try “locked keys in car”. Next, respond to the relevant search results by starting a conversation or making the person an offer. And finally, seal the deal and fulfill your end of the bargain. The system will automatically record all conversations for future viewing.
What's social media's role in customer service?
It's easy! By setting up a list of searches, you can find customers in your area and start an immediate conversation. Here are 3 easy steps. First, find words and phrases that relate to your products or services. If you’re a locksmith, try “locked keys in car”. Next, respond to the relevant search results by starting a conversation or making the person an offer. And finally, seal the deal and fulfill your end of the bargain. The system will automatically record all conversations for future viewing.
How are social audiences built?
It's easy! By setting up a list of searches, you can find customers in your area and start an immediate conversation. Here are 3 easy steps. First, find words and phrases that relate to your products or services. If you’re a locksmith, try “locked keys in car”. Next, respond to the relevant search results by starting a conversation or making the person an offer. And finally, seal the deal and fulfill your end of the bargain. The system will automatically record all conversations for future viewing.
What are the top features?
It's easy! By setting up a list of searches, you can find customers in your area and start an immediate conversation. Here are 3 easy steps. First, find words and phrases that relate to your products or services. If you’re a locksmith, try “locked keys in car”. Next, respond to the relevant search results by starting a conversation or making the person an offer. And finally, seal the deal and fulfill your end of the bargain. The system will automatically record all conversations for future viewing.